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This is a list of spirits we have come across.  It’s not exhaustive and we’ll add to the list over time.  It’s not meant to be a 101 of demonology because freedom and deliverance comes from focusing on Jesus Christ.  This list is meant to help us identify things which we need to cut out of our souls with the sword of the spirit in accordance with Hebrews 4:12.  Issue the following command:
In Jesus name, I bind the strongman and rebuke anger/lust/selfishness/pride/doubt/fear/etc… You’re not part of me anymore.  Get out and go to the pit.  Amen.
The key to unlocking the power of God is by forgiving others.  Please use this prayer to forgive others.
The key to full deliverance is to replace the old self with the mind of Christ and to become a servant like Jesus by having the things of God in mind and having compassion for others, according to the laws of God.  Firstly, as Jesus says, deny our flesh then read scripture diligently.  Study the life of Christ carefully and be like him.
List of spirits
Abandonment – from parents/ex-spousesLeviathan – false accusations/ stubbornness/not doing will of God/haughtiness/backstabbing
AbominationLegion – about 7,000 demons
Addictions – alcohol/drugs/cigarrettesLies
Adultery – separation/divorce without causeLucifer – self-centred/self-reliance/self-focus/ narcissism/earthly wisdom/ antichrist/ lawless – Renounce own desires and submit will to God. Continually pray to ask God to take you out of you and put in Jesus Christ.
Ahab – controlled by JezebelLust – fornication/porn/ masturbation/homosexuality
Anger – can appear as a bear spirit in dreams or calls itself a bear.New age – kundalini/ aliens/ lucifer/ Beelzebub
Anxiety – panic attacks/making vows or promises to people/using human strengthMaliciousness – evil thoughts/revenge – Renounce vengeance and declare that vengeance belongs to God.
Astral projection – voluntarily/involuntarily in dreamsMedusa – violation and oppression resulting in hate/distrust of men, father and authority figures/ self-hate and hate of others
Baal aka Nimrod aka Horus – sun God/eucharist /Catholicism /religious controlMedium – communication with “dead”/speaking with spirits
Baphomet – androgynous demon with a goat face. Related to freemasonry/ lust/carnality – Renounce lust/ homosexuality /transgender spirits.Mind control – medication/drugs
Beelzebub – tattoos/profanity/love of power/ seeking spiritual experiences/ new age – Renounce meditation/ opening the third eye/ opening chakras then close up all the portals.Muse – enters from performances/musicals/acting /singing/celebrity worship
Blasphemy – saying: Oh my God/JesusMusic – hip hop/rock/secular music
BitternessMurder – anger/hate/revenge
Confusion – occult practicesOnce Saved Always Saved – believes that grace covers all future sins: a religious spirit
Covetousness – ambition/fancy car, clothes, house, things of the world/greed for power, status, recognitionPain – headache/migraine/sharp pains
Death – abortion/near death accident/ attempted suicide/generationalPraying to the created instead of Creator – angels/saints/Mary etc
Delilah – seductionPride/Leviathan – dwells in the neck & shoulder regions. See Leviathan.
Destroyer – related to lucifer spiritProcrastination
Divination – looking at photos/ prophecies/seeing auras/hearing thoughtsProfanities
Doubt – spirits not real/can’t get delivered/can’t be saved/unbeliefProphetic – religious spirits/I’m a prophet, evangelist, seer, “special” servant
EnvyPython – a religious spirit that chokes the spirit
Fraternities – secret societies/clubsRejection – can be from anyone but typically: parents/spouses/ friends/people we esteem
Insecurity – causes: Obsessive Compulsive Disorders/panic attacks/anger outburstsReligious spirits – keeping the Sabbath/tithing/legalism/denying the trinity/Jesus is the Father/Holy Spirit is not God/One God – Jesus, the Father and Holy Spirit are one person
GamblingSatan – see lucifer
GluttonySelfishness – see lucifer
Gossip/backstabbing – related to prideSexual – incubus, succubus from fornication/adultery/ molestation/ rape/incest/porn/masturbation/sex dreams
Harry Potter – related to sorcerySickness – cardiac arrest/cancer/ diabetes/migraine/high blood pressure etc
Homosexuality – rejection of God/lustSnakes – false teachers, if they don’t cast out demons avoid/false doctrines/seed money
Horror movies – fear/death/occultSuicide – thoughts/attempts
Idol worshipping – ancestral/another Jesus/Jesus is love/God forgives everything/OSASTorment – physical pain/can’t sleep/paralysis
Illegitimacy – children born out of wedlock. As per incest, this curse lasts ten generationsTrauma – spirits entering in from fearful incidents: accidents/near deaths/ traumatic surgery/horror movies
Imaginary friends – familiar spiritsVanity
Islam – spirit that declares Jesus is a prophet/ anti-Christ spirit/ chauvinistic spirit – Renounce reading qur’an/ praying to Allah.Witchcraft – making wishes/spells/ praying for material things/wishing for success
Jezebel – has pride, rebellion, vanity/ seduction, control/manipulation, covetousness/ materialistism, witchcraft/ making wishes, envy/ jealousy, vengeance/ malice and anger.  Do the will of God and give up doing what you want.
Kundalini – false Holy Spirit from: seeking spiritual experiences/laying of hands by unknown people/asking God to talk to you 
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