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You have to prophetically speak these words into the atmosphere (and upon your life and territory) and believe in God for the manifestation of His power. Remember, it is not my might, not by power but by the Spirit of the living God, so as you pray believe the Holy Ghost is enforcing your decrees according to the will of God. The prayer points listed below are taken from the word of God so they are live counter-bullets unless you don’t believe. Release your faith and claim your victory!
In the mighty, most powerful, wonder-working name of Jesus. Let the words that I speak be prophetically loaded and launch as Holy Ghost missiles into any and every area of my life that requires Holy Ghost fire explosion and disintegration of demonic deposits, debris and poison.
Oh lord, because you are my beginning and my end, I start my day strong and end triumphant with you by my side.
I double-doze my intellect and faculties with your word and inject my memory with every single bit of refreshment that your word provides.
I charge the atmosphere with your glory and dissolve every dirty and filthy thoughts projected against my mind.
I pull down every evil imagination that stands against the knowledge of Christ and destroy the work of the devil over my mind, my spirit, my soul and my body by your blood, by your word, your fire and your anointing upon my life. Right now, I prophetically claim these words and I speak them over myself, my household and my loved ones. Now let the heavens bear me witness and let the earth hear and respond to the words that I speak into the atmosphere even now…In the mighty name of Jesus:
I am unresponsive to demonic manipulation
I am unresponsive to demonic oppression
I am unresponsive to demonic suppression
I am unresponsive to demonic attack
I am more than I conqueror
I refuse to be defeated or intimidated
I have the mind of Christ x3 and I love God with all of my heart
I am a terror to the enemy and his cohorts
I am strong, I am rich in every aspect of the term
I am patient, I am kind, I have the nature of Christ in me and therefore I cannot be defeated.
Thank you Lord for filling my day with your presence, your glory and your fire in my life, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
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